
acute ischaemic heart disease

About two-thirds of people over 65, who died of diabetes, acute ischaemic heart disease. In fact, the risk of dying from acute ischaemic heart disease is several times higher among those with diabetes diabetes compared to non-diabetic patients.
acute ischaemic heart disease
acute ischaemic heart disease
Framingham Heart Study is an ongoing cardiovascular study in the long term the people of Framingham, a town in Massachusetts in the United States. The study started in 1948, with 5,209 adult subjects and grandchildren of the original subjects are involved. Much of the knowledge of our acute ischaemic heart disease and how it is affected by fasting, exercise and medicines first came to light during the days of breaking ground.

Framingham is the first study to show that people with diabetes more prone to acute ischaemic heart disease than non-diabetic patients, and that there is a problem Many health may increase the likelihood of acute ischaemic heart disease. Health problems that have been linked to acute ischaemic heart disease, including diabetes, being overweight, high blood pressure, cholesterol levels high cholesterol, smoking and family history of early acute ischaemic heart disease.

More risk factors for acute ischaemic heart disease, the chances that they will develop the disease more. Furthermore, the probability of dying from acute ischaemic heart disease is more than one for diabetes. Thus, while a person with risk factors, such as high blood pressure will have a special chance of dying from the disease Heart patients are two to four times the risk of death.

A medical study found that those with diabetes who do not have other risk factors for acute ischaemic heart disease the death rate of acute ischaemic heart disease than non-diabetics, more than five times. Another study showed that diabetic patients likely to have acute ischaemic heart disease, diabetes, which never had a heart attack already.

How diabetes, acute ischaemic heart disease

The most common cause of acute ischaemic heart disease in patients with diabetes, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) because building up of cholesterol in the blood vessels that supply the heart. Built usually start before the blood sugar level rose markedly. If you have cholesterol levels, high cholesterol levels, a 85% chance that you have diabetes is.

Cholesterol microscopic ingredients found in the cell membranes of animals, including humans. It has a thin membrane of cells the body together; Without cholesterol, your body will collapse into a pile of jelly. It has a role in sending a signal to your cells along your nerves. In addition, it is a raw material that your body uses to make hormones, such as vitamin D

About 75 to 80 percent of your cholesterol is made up by other substances in your body synthesising. The rest comes from animal products that you eat. If you eat too much cholesterol, your body will reduce the number of cholesterol it makes system ... who was working properly. If not, you'll end up with too much cholesterol.

Cholesterol is transported through the bloodstream to where it is needed to build cells. Because it is not soluble, it is carried out in the lipoprotein, which is dissolved in the blood. These can be a low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or high-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL is bad - when too many particles being cholesterol, LDL, They tend to collide and become damaged.

These damages cause particle board (small bumps or scars) to form on the walls of the arteries Mediterranean. These panels are fragile. When a plaque ruptures of blood around it begins to clot. To have a blood clot disintegration will increase. If the blood clot grows large enough, it will prevent a stroke.

If the blood vessels that lead blood to your heart becomes blocked, you will have a heart attack. If the blood vessels in your legs get blocked, you will end up with peripheral vascular disease. When you have too much fat in your blood, you're on your way to chest pain, acute ischaemic heart disease and stroke and irreversible damage to the small blood vessels in the eyes and your kidneys.

How diabetes can be treated for acute ischaemic heart disease

Depending on its severity, acute ischaemic heart disease, people with diabetes can be treated in several ways. These include:

Aspirin therapy
Aspirin therapy

For those with type 2 diabetes over the age of 40 and is in advanced The risk of acute ischaemic heart disease and peripheral vascular disease, low levels of aspirin daily to reduce the risk of blood clots that lead to heart attack and stroke.


Plants diet focuses such as the one I recommend for the treatment of diabetes will help cure diseases Hard. It's easy to follow the diet, which means that you eat foods that are naturally ... ... low in sugar, low-fat ... low in salt ... high fiber ... Low GI ... ... which is mostly plants. You need to avoid eggs and dairy products, and drink plenty of water.

This is not, you can still eat meat, which gives it the ultra-lean vegetarian or vegan. However, the study showed that at the beginning of the vegan diet could have some benefits for people with acute ischaemic heart disease, but more research is needed to confirm these preliminary findings.


As well as help you to lose weight, exercise regularly will increase your blood sugar, pressure High blood levels of cholesterol and fat in the abdomen to reduce all risk factors for acute ischaemic heart disease.

Exercise, both aerobic and anaerobic increase the mechanical efficiency of the heart. Exercise increases cardiac output (of blood that is pumped by the heart) and strength training anaerobic increase the thickness of your heart muscle.

Benefits of exercise on the cardiovascular system, which has been well documented. The study, which tracked physical activity among adults with type 2 diabetes within 19 years, found that Those who have made at least four hours per week of moderate physical activity for about 40 % less likely to succumb to acute ischaemic heart disease than people in one place. They reduce the risk of getting a stroke.


The medication is used to treat acute ischaemic heart disease. Here is a sample:

ACE inhibitors expand or widen blood vessels to improve the amount of blood the heart pumps and lower blood pressure. Angiotension II to curb reducing chemical that narrows blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more easily.

Antiarrhythmics are used to treat abnormal heart rhythms resulting from abnormal electrical activity of the heart. Blood thinners or anti-clotting drugs such as warfarin to prevent blood clots from forming in the blood. Antiplatelets prevent the formation of blood clots. Brain tumors, which are used in thrombolytic therapy to break up blood clots.

Beta -blockers is one of the most widely used for high blood pressure and strength in the treatment of congestive heart failure. Calcium channel blockers relax blood vessels and increase the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart as well as the reducing the workload of the heart. Medication can help the work of the heart injured or weakened effective in sending blood through the body.

Diuretics to help get rid of unneeded water (which makes it easier for the heart to pump) and salt (the leading cause of high blood pressure a) through urine. Nitrates are vascular growth, which is used to treat chest pain in people with coronary acute ischaemic heart disease or chest pain caused by blocked blood vessels to the heart.

As you can see that most of these drugs reduce the deleterious effects of acute ischaemic heart disease. But they do not really treat the disease. Once you start taking them, you have to continue for the rest of your life.


There are several surgical techniques for the treatment of acute ischaemic heart disease. These range from the simple insertion of a stent to a heart transplant.

Stent expand small tube is used to reinforce weakened arteries or to open arteries that have been narrowed by The build-up of plaque. Loss in cardiac surgery of the blocked coronary arteries have been overcome by creating a new path for blood. Heart valve surgery is used to repair damaged heart valves.

Those with abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia) can be treated with electrical cardioversion, in which a signal is transmitted to the heart muscle to restore a normal heart rhythm, allowing the heart to pump more effectively. A pacemaker is a small device that sends electrical impulses to the heart muscle to maintain a suitable heart rate and rhythm. organic defibrillator cardioverter (ICD) is a electronic device that constantly monitors heart rate and rhythm, and when It found an irregular heartbeat, delivers energy to the heart muscle causes the heart to beat in a normal rhythm again.

Left ventricular assist device (LVAD) is a type of mechanical heart, which is placed inside the man's chest, where it can help the heart pump blood throughout the body. Heart transplant heart is replaced with a acute ischaemic heart disease from a healthy donor who had died.

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